A space station caper! Here’s the sequel to the award-winning Queen & Commander.
Is it really stealing when you take back what’s yours?
Exhausted and broke, Rhiannon’s Hive limps into John Wayne Station on the Ceridwen’s Cauldron. Safe at last, this stop-over is looking bright until the authorities steal their ship’s engine. The only solution: steal it back!
Between stage-handing a play (at the local brothel) and avoiding their law-enforcement roommate (a sentient robot), they grow into a real team. A real Dyfed-style Hive.
The law enforcement robot, meanwhile, is busy detecting a series of thefts and murders. She’s determined to use all her skills—programmed both before and after she clawed her way to sentience—to protect anyone else from getting hurt. Agents from a rival law enforcement group, however, bump into her investigation and create problems that she could really do without. She has a job to do, even if they’re determined to get in her way.
Hive & Heist has action, druidry, and a sentient robot. Oh, and some sheep.